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Wh- questions

When you review verb tenses, you will find that the question used for a grammar point is usually a Yes/No question.

For example [Present Simple]: Do you exercise?  Yes, I do/No, I don't.

Now, it is natural to want more information than a yes or a no. That is why we use Wh-questions. These forms of questions gives us information as to people, places, time, ideas, manner, etc.... Here are the Wh-questions:

  • Who
    • When asking who, the question is about a person.
    • "Who do you exercise with? I exercise with my brother, Tim."
  • What
    • When asking what, the question is about an event, thing/object, or idea.
    • "What exercises do you do when you exercise? I mainly do weight lifting."
      • What kind - when asking what kind, the question is about about describing an object, event, or idea.
        • "What kind of food do you eat after you exercise? I eat protein bars."
      • What time - when asking what time, the question is about time.
        • "What time do you finish exercise? I finish at 5 O'Clock." 
  • When
    • When asking when, the question is about time.
    • "When do you exercise? I exercise Monday through Fridays at 3 O'Clock."
  • Why
    • When asking why, the question is about reason.
    • "Why do you exercise? Because exercise is good for my health."
  • Where
    • When asking where, the question is about a place.
    • "Where do you exercise? I exercise at my school's gym."
  • Which
    • When asking which, the question is about choice.
    • "Which exercise do you like best? I like the bench press."
  • Whose
    • When asking whose, the question is about possession.
    • "Whose exercise book is this? It is mine."
  • How
    • Although how, does not actually begin with Wh-, it is included in these types of question. When asking how,the question is about the manner/the way something is done.
    • "How do you get to the gym? I walk to the gym."
      • How many - when asking how many,the question is about about a quantity of a countable noun.
        • "How many students use the gym when you exercise? Usually around 30 students."
      • How much - when asking how much, the question is about either asking the price of something or asking about an uncountable noun.
        • "How much is the exercise book? The book is 10 dollars."
        • "How much time do you spend at the gym? I usually spend two hours at the gym."
      • How long - when asking how long, the question is about talking length of time (Duration).
        • "How long have you been exercising? I have been exercising for three years."
        • "How long have you been exercising? I have been exercising since 2011."
      • How often - when asking how often, the question is about talking about the frequency of an activity.
        • "How often do you exercise? I exercise five times a week."
      • How far - when asking how far, the question is about distance.
        • "How far is the gym from your house? The gym is about 3 km from my house."
      • How old - when asking how old, the question is about the age of a person or an object.
        • "How old are you? I'm 22 years old."
        • "How old is the car? The car is 35 years old."
As you can see, when asking Wh-questions a person can get more information than a simple "YES" or "NO".


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