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Comparatives and Superlatives

COMPARATIVES - It is human nature to compare things or people. You may have had conversations with friends comparing people, movies, songs, bands, clothes, etc... . You use comparatives to compare two things.

For example:
  • Fast and Furious 6 is a better movie than Iron-Man 3.
  • I am taller than my brother.
  • When it comes to cooking, I am worse than my mother.
Comparatives are used when comparing two items. By definition, a comparative is describing a higher or lower degree.

Usually comparatives use "regular" forms of comparatives. For regular forms follow these rules:

1. Most adjectives add -er to make a comparative:
  • Fast - Faster
    • I run faster than my brother.
  • Slow - Slower
    • My brother runs slower than me/I.
2. For adjectives that end with a -y, change -y to -ier to make a comparative:
  • Heavy - Heavier
    • Tom is heavier than his brother.
  • Easy - Easier
    • Art class is easier than Math class.
3. For adjectives that end with a vowel-consonant combination, double the consonant and add -er.
  • Fat - Fatter
    • The elephant is fatter than the snake.
  • Thin - Thinner
    • The snake is thinner than the elephant.
4. For adjectives that have 2 or more syllables, then you would use more/less without modifying the adjective.
  •  Beautiful - More beautiful / Less beautiful
    • Stephanie is more beautiful than April.
  • Expensive - More expensive / Less expensive
    • An Aston Martin is more expensive than a Ford.
  • EXCEPTION: The word fun is not changed. Instead, add more to the word (e.g. More fun - funner)
    • Playing football is more fun than going to the desert
5. There are irregular verbs. For example:
  • Good - Better
    • My brother is a better tennis player than I am.
  • Bad - Worse
    • When it comes to cooking, I am worse than my mother.

SUPERLATIVES - Superlatives denotes the highest or lowest degree in anything and are used when comparing three or more items.

For example:
  • Fast and Furious 6 is the best movie out of all the summer movies.
  • I am the tallest in my class.
  • When it comes to cooking, I am the worst in my family.
 When using superlatives, the article "THE" has to be used (See the above, blue-highlighted article).

1. Most adjectives add -est to make a superlative:
  • Fast - The fastest
    • I am the fastest person in my class.
  • Slow - The slowest
    • My brother, Tim, runs the slowest out of all my brothers.
2. For adjectives that end with a -y, change -y to -iest to make a superlative:
  • Heavy - Heaviest
    • Tom is the heaviest student in class.
  • Easy - Easiest
    • Art class is the easiest class in the entire school.
3. For adjectives that end with a vowel-consonant combination, double the consonant and add -est.
  • Fat - Fattest
    • The elephant is the fattest animal in the zoo.
  • Thin - Thinnest
    • The snake is the thinnest animal in the zoo.
4. For adjectives that have 2 or more syllables, then you would use the most/least without modifying the adjective.
  •  Beautiful - The most beautiful
    • Stephanie is the most beautiful woman in school.
  • Expensive - The most expensive
    • Aston Martin cars are the most expensive cars in the market.
  • EXCEPTION: The word fun is not changed. Instead, add "The most" to the word (e.g. The most fun - The funnest)
    • That was the most fun I had in years.
5. There are irregular verbs. For example:
  • Good - Better - The best
    • My brother is the best tennis player in the family.
  • Bad - Worse - The worst
    • When it comes to cooking, I am worst in my class.


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