Imperatives! What are they? Plain and simply, they are commands. Let's review, a simple sentence in English has a Subject and a Verb. The structure looks like so: S+V The sentence may also have an Object [but it is not always the case]. The structure of this type of sentence will look like: S+V+O. In theory, the imperative will have the S+V+O structure. In practice, the imperative will only have a verb and an object - V+O. Why? It is understood that the subject of the sentence is "YOU". Examples: "Close the door!", "Tie your shoes!", or "Get over here!". When giving these commands, the speaker will understand that they are being given instructions/commands. The person giving instructions/commands usually makes a non-verbal gesture (such as pointing) to mean a specific person or it is understood if there are only two people in a room/an area. In practice, it sounds strange to say "You, tie your shoes!" when the...